Tuesday, December 09, 2008

The holidays

It's hard to believe the holidays are here already! It feels like just yesterday it was summer-time. It's amazing to me just how quickly time flies. Emelia was thrilled to have Owen, Mary Helen, Caroline & Aunt Amy here for Thanksgiving. It was so good to have the family together...the only thing missing was Uncle Jim. Emelia's decided that when we head down for a week at Christmas she would like Uncle Jim to take her hunting. I tried explaining exactly what hunting was & when I told her you try to kill an animal she said "Ok" and still wants to go! What she really wants is the camoflage clothes...and she really doesn't want pink camo unless it's the only thing I can find!

With it being Christmas time Emelia and I have been talking alot about what this holiday really means & why we celebrate Christmas. I'm trying to teach her that it's not about the presents or Santa but that it's about the birth of Christ and all that follows. Without the birth there could be no death or resurrection. Yes, we still get presents and yes Santa does bring one or two...but the reason for this season is Christ.

In closing, here's a little clip from the children's performance at church last Sunday, and yep...that's my daughter!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Well, today started out like any other day...Emelia & I got up, ate breakfast & played for a little bit. Them we had to hurry & run to the store because my cousin was gotting married today & luckily I was thinking ahead & was picking Emelia's clothes out last night & realized all she had to wear were sundresses! So, off to Peeble's (the only clothing store in Madison) we went in hopes of finding a dress. Mind you, I knew it was going to be an issue since she doesn't like dresses...because they're girly, but I was prepared for battle, I WAS GOING TO WIN! So, into Peeble's we go only to run in to Grammy & Abbey...great! They can help with the dress! Well, 3 and a 1/2 women all trying to decide on a dress does not work out well. So, off Emelia & I go to try a few options on her. She did pretty good & after all were tried on I asked her which one she liked best. Luckily I was sitting down because she picked the PINK ONE! I said, ok & RAN to the register and paid for it before she could change her mind! YEAH....my daughter liked the pink dress and never once asked if she could get Spiderman or Lightening McQueen! So, fast forward a bit to the wedding/reception & let me just say that I tried as hard as I could but I think Emelia stole a little of the spot light from Miranda. Well, maybe not the important areas but we did get a lot of comments! At one point I was talking to my uncle & looked around to find my 5 year old daughter in the Conga Line!
She was ALL smiles and loving what she does best, dancing! She was out there doing the twist & partying like a rock star! I'm glad she enjoyed her first wedding!
I had to post this picture...Emelia went up to Pops & asked him if he would dance with her. This was the best picture of the night!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Boys vs. Girls

Lately, we've been having an ongoing conversation about boys vs. girls & how she wants to "be" a boy. This whole conversation started of all things, over panties/underware! Since Emelia is not a "girly" girl and tends to like most things "boy" (ie: Lightning McQueen, Spiderman, Thomas the Train, bugs, etc.) she's decided that when it's time to get dressed she doesn't want to wear anything pink - because it's for a girl and she doesn't like any of her panties because they don't have Lightning McQueen or Spiderman on them! Also, I'm constantly corrected if I call them "panties" she now has to call them "underware." So...last night we were at Kohl's getting a few new pieces of clothes for her & I told her she could pick out some new panties. So...over we went to browse and let me tell you, the woman who was standing there looking at the Toddler clothes hasn't laughed that hard probably in years! Emelia went STRAIGHT to the boys side of the display and declared "SPIDERMAN....I want these ones Mama!" Of course I tried to explain that those were for little boys & her "style" were on THIS side of the display. 10 minutes later I gave up & asked her if she wanted to go look at the blue coats, I lied (I know!) and said they didn't have her size in panties! The poor woman who had to listen to me explain underware wandered off laughing & saying "Good Luck! At least she knows what she wants!" So, we left Kohl's with a Christmas dress & a new coat but no new underware!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Rocking Song - Acapella

I ran across this song the other day & just fell in love with it. Here are the words to the song that's playing here.

Sing this rocking, sing this rocking, sing this rocking song

Gonna hold this child, gonna hold her tight
Gonna hold my baby till the morning light
Though I may be tired and I may be weak
I will love this child so small and meek
Gonna hold this child, gonna hold her tight
Gonna hold my baby till the morning light
Gonna let her know that nothing's wrong
Gonna hold my baby and sing this rocking song

Sing this rocking, sing this rocking, sing this rocking song
Sing this rocking, sing this rocking, sing this rocking song (this child)

Gonna hold this child, gonna hold her near
Gonna hold my baby, wipe away her tears
I will keep on rocking till she feels all right
Gonna sing her songs about Jesus Christ (Jesus)
Gonna hold this child, gonna hold her near
Gonna hold my baby, wipe away her tears
I will cradle my child until the pain is gone
Gonna hold my baby and sing this rocking song

Sing this rocking, sing this rocking, sing this rocking song (sing this rocking song)
Sing this rocking, sing this rocking, sing this rocking song

Gonna hold this child, gonna hold her near
Gonna hold my baby through the tender years
As she starts to learn, as she starts to grow
I will show her things she needs to know
Gonna hold this child, gonna hold her near
Gonna hold my baby through the tender years
As she moves away and the days grow long
I will pray for my baby and sing this rocking song

Sing this rocking, sing this rocking, sing this rocking song (and sing this rocking song)
Sing this rocking, sing this rocking, sing this rocking song

Gonna hold this child though she's far away
Gonna hold my baby like it's yesterday
Though I may not see and I may not know
Gonna keep on praying rocking to and fro (to and fro)
Gonna hold this child though she's far away
Gonna hold my baby like it's yesterday
Gonna let her know my love's lifelong
While she hold her baby and sings her rocking song

Sing this rocking, sing this rocking, sing this rocking song (and sing this rocking song)
Sing this rocking, sing this rocking, sing this rocking song (sings her rocking song)
Sing this rocking, sing this rocking, sing this rocking song (sings her rocking song)
Sing this rocking, sing this rocking, sing this rocking song

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

3 years!

It's hard to believe that 3 years ago Saturday (September 27) I arrived home with my daughter! To think back on these 3 years is nothing short than amazing. To see how much she's grown & learned just astounds me! God is so good!

We're at a point now where she's learning about expressing her feelings, and I have to admit I just LOVE this time! You have no idea how many times a day I hear the 4 best words..."Mama, I love you!" How great is that?! I remember back at the orphanage when I first met Emelia...I had been in Ukraine for close to 4 weeks & was an emotion wreck (to say the least). I was sitting in the directors office listening to the director, the doctor & the translator all talking in Russian faster than I could think! Suddenly Luda, my translator, started rattling off the medical "issues" they said Emelia had and I had NO idea what any of them were! Suddenly the door to the office opened and this tiny little girl toddled into the room in a little green & white checked skirt and top and walked right over to me. I scooped her up and just held onto her. She planted her nose right on mine & her arms went around my shoulders and patted my back with her tiny hands. She wouldn't move her face away from mine so I really had no idea what she looked like! :-) I just kept feeling her pat my shoulders. After about 3 minutes the director had the care giver take Emelia out of the room & back to her group and they all looked at me and said "Yes?! You mama?!" I shook my head and said "YES!"

It amazes me how the Lord's hand was on the entire situation, through all the ups and all the many downs. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that our Lord created Emelia to be my daughter and for that I'm eternally grateful. I know there are times when I fall short at being the mother Emelia deserves, but I also know that grace flows freely & I'm still a work in prgress. I want her to alway know that there's nothing I wouldn't do for her. I love you peanut!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Playing Air Guitar!

Today I was finally able to get Emelia's little guitar playing dance on video. The other day we were at Wal-mart (of course...our most favorite store) and Emelia saw a guitar in the toy department. She's been wanting one since forever, and all of a sudden I just burst out laughing...here she is in the middle of the aisle doing this "move." As I'm laughing I say "Honey, what in the world are you doing?" To which she replied "I'm playin' the guitar mommy!" (Like..what in the world do you THINK I'm doing?!") Plus, she's really been missing Abbey lately so we thought we'd post this for her benefit!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Home again & back to the routine of life

Well I can't believe we're home & already back into the routine of life. Emelia's loving this summer weather. Getting to play outside all day & swim in her little pool. Actually this evening I was tempted to jump in too! But decided it would probably be best if I didn't! :-)

Yesterday I let Emelia climb the tree in the back yard. She wasn't allowed last year after she & Nathan (the neighbor boy) broke a few of the branches. Actually it was Nathan because she wasn't quite heavy enough but I decided it would be best for the tree. This year however the tree kinda "took off" in a growth spurt & it's really a good climbing tree for my 5 year old!

I guess I should end for now. Oh, one last picture...this is when I told her we were all done climbing the tree & that it was time to hit the tub! (As you can see she wasn't too happy!)